Launched in 2019 with its first week long course, THE MOBILE FILM SCHOOL has developed a vigorous method of ‘field based’ mentoring by Kevin Allen.

This unique concept sets out to discover home-grown talent before it falls through the cracks of a system that is leaving too many potential film-makers behind – and will address our need to discover the talents of future film-makers who are simply unable to avail of a further education.

4K Smart phone cameras are superb, and phone technology is now so advanced that a very low cost smart-phone film accessory kit, comprising of simple steady-cam gimbals, basic sliders, high-quality microphones and excellent lighting packs can equip any student with what they need to shoot a presentable film to quite a high standard. Although wannabe film-makers will maybe one day get to play with some expensive film kit, this system of leaning has been designed on the reality that almost every student on the road will have their own Smart Phone on which to make their films. There are no swanky cameras involved – or the cost of maintaining them.

Another advantage of this field-based concept is the introduction of performance workshops running in tandem with supervised film technique. Kevin Allen’s expertise with non-professional actors is useful component in terms of providing a performance platform on which film makers can realise the full potential of their projects.

4K Smart phone cameras are superb, and phone technology is now so advanced that a very low cost smart-phone film accessory kit, comprising of simple steady-cam gimbals, basic sliders, high-quality microphones and excellent lighting packs can equip any student with what they need to shoot a presentable film to quite a high standard. Although wannabe film-makers will maybe one day get to play with some expensive film kit, this system of leaning has been designed on the reality that almost every student on the road will have their own Smart Phone on which to make their films. There are no swanky cameras involved – or the cost of maintaining them.

Another advantage of this field-based concept is the introduction of performance workshops running in tandem with supervised film technique. Kevin Allen’s expertise with non-professional actors is useful component in terms of providing a performance platform on which film makers can realise the full potential of their projects.


“Filming La Cha Cha was a wonderful, uplifting experience for me. The financial limitation never seemed to affect the intense communal spirit of the job. Kevin’s Mobile Film School, a superb idea, provided a plethora of young, enthused technical staff and the top line professionals delivered with heart and conviction. The project filled me with enthusiasm and rekindled my somewhat jaded attitude to much of our industry’s lack of adventure and innovation. I loved it.”
Boyd Clack (Actor & Playboy of the Rhondda Valley)

“To be honest I don’t think Bob Geldof & Harvey Goldsmith could have pulled off what Kevin Allen and his Mobile Film Studio did in a stormy August in 2020. I went to the first meeting at a remote farm in Upper Killay, Swansea in July, where Kevin announced his vision to film a new movie, La Cha Cha. Even though he didn’t have any kind of budget, that only a handful of the people in the room had film-making experience, that the film was based on a caravan site and he only had three caravans so far and we were in the middle of a pandemic, it seemed so exciting that I volunteered to round up all of the SA’s (supporting artists) needed and look after them for the month. Less than four weeks later, we assembled on location. There were A-list Hollywood stars, the cream of Welsh acting talent, the local golf club and a wild swimming group, legends of Welsh rugby, tents, vegan food, dogs, goats, wild women on horseback, Covid testing stations and a marvellous set built on the lake out of trees, blankets and other odd materials. The best thing about it was there were no superstars, no prima donnas, no special trailers. Just a gang of creatives who mixed together, worked together, ate together, drank together and laughed together. This was all done in gale force winds, constant rain and six inches of mud. I can only imagine what Kevin’s Mobile Film School could do with proper funding and better weather conditions! ”
Anthony Bunko (Playwright & Casting Supervisor)

“I would like to thank Kevin and his team at the Mobile Film School for taking me on as their Make-up Artist on ‘La Cha Cha’. It was an experience I will never forget, and which I have learnt so much from. This has provided me with the confidence, experience and skills to help me progress in my career, topped off by working alongside the amazing cast and crew. I am very grateful for this opportunity and can’t thank the Mobile Film School enough.”
Abbie Lewis (Make Up Artist – La Cha Cha)

“The Mobile Film School for me was a life-altering experience. I spent six weeks of the summer last year as the Costume Designer on La Cha Cha. With no previous experience in film and a modest history in theatre behind me, I took the plunge. People talk about being thrown in the deep end but this was being thrown off a waterfall into crocodile-infested waters. With a huge smile on my face whilst jumping, of course. The responsibility and tasks I was immediately given were liberating, thrilling, and at times a bit terrifying. Despite my lack of experience I was never babied or patronised and learned many invaluable (and a few hard) lessons, in the best way possible – on the job. To step in as a HOD with no prior experience is pretty much unheard of and I’m forever grateful for the Mobile Film School for the opportunity which has propelled me onto a new career path. In less than a year I have gone on to work for both Amazon and the BBC on television productions during the Pandemic. No crew since has come close to the hilarious, joyful and hugely professional bunch we were blessed with. There could be no better way to train for a future in film.”
Ellie Walker – Costume Designer (La Cha Cha)

“La Cha Cha was an incredible experience for me, it was my first time working in production on a feature film, and it is something that I will never forget. It has really helped me to understand how a feature film gets made, and has made me a lot more confident with my film work going forward. Not only did I learn a lot from the La Cha Cha experience, I have also made a lot of connections that will help me immensely going forward with my filmmaking career. Thank you, Mobile Film School! ”
Jody Tozer – Production Coordinator (La Cha Cha)

“I applied for a runner job on La Cha Cha coming from a background in film grip work and lighting and was looking for any work during the lockdown period in the summer of 2020. I was asked to jump into the position of 3rd AD under the tutelage of 1st AD and film veteran Crispin Buxton. Within a short time I learned a phenomenal amount cutting straight to the need-to-know, having experience on set in other depts.
With Kevin and Crispin guiding the way I eventually rose to 1st AD on the second unit and subsequently the finale, involving 3 camera teams, a pyrotechnics and drone unit, 100 extras and 30 cast in what can only be described as one of the defining moments of my career, I cannot thank Kevin and Crispin enough for the opportunity I was given. I have since moved on to work as 1st AD on other feature films. I can, with confidence, say that this would never have been the case without them.”
Aaron Taylor (3rd AD – Main Unit/1st AD – 2nd Unit)

“A bit like a festival because of the weather, the accommodation and the crew but without the massive party every night- more a collective feeling of pride as we finished each epic day. It was immersive and instinctive film making. Every night we were issued our call sheets and we planned our line of attack over breakfast. Props were assembled out of everything and anything as this unique team became a well-oiled machine. Early on I ended up shadowing a Props Master called Andy Vyning who had a long term connection with Kevin Allen. He taught me a lot about continuity, making sure everything in shot was meant to be there and spotting things that weren’t, also solving problems as they arose. This was a crash course in Standby Props. Coming in with such little experience would have been intimidating and stressful, were it not for the fact that everyone was there to help each other. No one was expected to know everything and if a mistake was made it was dealt with and we moved on. A few times Kevin shot me his professional glare and then broke into a warm smile. This made me step up my game without breaking my will and by the end of it I was running a very efficient Props department. Film is now a career for me. The Mobile Film School is an institution that works. You go with what you know, and you grow.”
David Ashby (Standby Props – La Cha Cha)

Please contact us for more information on courses or to send us your CV